Friday, November 07, 2014

Sambutan Hari Lahir Yang Tertunda @ Kenny Rogers Roaster, Plaza Alam Sentral

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi . Hari jumaat penghulu segala hari sudah hari ni. Ni cerita makan-makan last week sempena pakatan hari lahir tahun ni. Birthday saya kan masa raya haritu lepas tu asyik la tertunda-tunda sampai dah masuk bulan birthday kak ema pulak. Buntu tak tau nak makan western yang best , nak pergi Laman Grill tak mampu kan, so pergi Kenny Rogers Roasters lah kita kat Plaza Alam Sentral tu saja.

Mula-mula posing lah dulu sebelum makan-makan. Aktiviti wajib macam biasa. Lepas dah wefie, tak puas hati nampak muka ajer, suruh pulak waitress KRR amikkan gambar. Kan, baru puas hati. Nak kena beli monopod baru puas hati ni.


Spot the differents ;p 

Sementara tunggu makanan

Dah boleh makan :) Teringat dulu-dulu..Cuma Niza jer tak der..sobsss...

My chocolate muffin. 

Pilihan all time favourite . hahaha

Ok. Kat bawah ni nak tayang FM terbaru yang diterima dari Kak Ema yang baru balik melancong ni hah..Jangan jelez uolss :p 

FM dari Bosnia Herzegovina gitu :) 

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina, Босна и Херцеговина, usually shortened to BiH[3] is a European country located on the Balkan peninsula. It was formerly part of Yugoslavia but gained independence in 1992. It borders Croatia to the north, west and southwest, Serbia to the east and Montenegro to the southeast. Mostly mountainous, it has access to a tiny portion of the Adriatic Sea coastline in the south.

FM dari Greece gitu :) 

Greece is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations, ranking in the world's top 20 countries. According to the Greek Ministry of Tourism, the nation received about 20 million visitors in 2013, a large number for a small country of 11 million. Visitors are drawn to the country's beaches and reliable sunny summer weather, its nightlife, historical sites and natural beauty. -

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