Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ghost Whisperer....

Lately,tagline ni yang aku tunggu saban minggu -
"I might be just like you, except that from the time I was a little girl I knew that I could talk to the dead.''
"He can hear you. He's right next to me."
"I don't take orders from ghosts!"
"You know what they say about paybacks."
"If i don't help them who will?"
"In order to tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.''
"My name is Melinda Gordon. I'm married. I live in a small town. And i own an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except that from the time i was a little girl i knew i could talk to the dead. Earthbound spirits my grandmother called them. They're stuck here because they have unfinished business with the living and they come to me for help. In order to tell you my story, i have to tell you their's."

p/s:bestnyer kalo aku dpt ni..x payah nunggu tetiap minggu..sekali harung jer..Ghost whisperer..

Malam tadi aku ingatkan aku telah menjadi seperti Melinda Gordon..Jam menunjukkan pukul 12 a.m..Tiba-tiba aku rasa nak uk2 laa plak..Sedang aku khusyuk dan asyik masyuk di dalam bilik air, tetiba ada ketukan keras pada pintu bilik air aku..seb baik aku dah sudah..terus aku berlari masuk bilik..masa aku pi bilik air tadi my hubby dah baring kat katil..bila aku masuk bilik, aku tengok dier tido jer..aku kejut dier, aku tanya "syg ker ketuk bilik air?"bleh dier buat muka mamai2 ckp tak..aku dah cuak dah..aku ckp ada orang or 'ghost' ketuk bilik air..dier bantai gelak..hampeh hubby aku..rupanya dier yang ketuk coz dier dahaga, dier pi minum air kat dapur....bleh dier berlakon ngan aku malam2 ni...hampeh jer..geram pun ada..tu laa banyak sangat berkhayal...hehehe..


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