Friday, February 12, 2010

Twinky Winky Stars Diaper Cupcakes Giveaway!

 I would love to win the delectable diaper cupcakes from TWINKY WINKY STARS (TWS) because...

"The uniqueness and creative work produced with love by the  owner melt my heart"
Keunikan dan hasil kerja tangan kreatif yang digubah penuh kasih sayang oleh pemiliknya telah mengujakan hati ini..
I choose Category :( 1 - 2 y.o)
Promo sket hasil kerja tangan pemiliknya :)

Click here to see more :)

What is all about???

Following the festive mood, the owner of Twinky Winky Stars is feeling very generous and would like to give away TWO DIAPER CUPCAKES, worth RM55 each, for free! Yes, we would love to have you 'sampling' the scrumptious cupcakes baked to perfection and delivered to your doorstep.

But before you could get the cupcakes delivered to you, you must first join this contest organized by us. First, we would like to announce that there will be 2 categories for the contest :

1) Diaper Cupcakes for Newborns - 12 months
2) Diaper Cupcakes for Toddlers ( 1 - 2 y.o)

So there will be 1 winner for each category.

The terms  and conditions to enter are as below:
1) A Malaysian residing in Malaysia 
2) Relatives of  'Twinky Winky Stars' owner are NOT allow to enter this contest
3) Have your own blog or Facebook
4) Follower of Twinky Winky Stars

Now, just follow these simple instructions to have a chance to win our delightful diaper cupcakes : 

1) Copy and paste our banner (as the above with the link to the blog on to your blog or FB status. Copy and paste the link of the banner at the right hand side of this blog to your blog.

2) Complete this slogan "I would love to win the delectable diaper cupcakes from TWINKY WINKY STARS (TWS) because...".  SHORT ENTRY PLEASE! Two most creative slogans will win the prizes.

3) State which category you wanna join : only one category per person.

4) Then, leave a comment in this blog entry to say that you've done your entry so that I could visit your blog later during the judgment process.

5) Last but not least, link this 
contest into your blog or FB status so other people would know about the contest and they could join in too!

This contest will commence now  12 February 2010 and will end at midnight, 28 February 2010.Winners will be chosen based on the most creative slogans. I will have 2 judges to select the winner for each categories. Anyone who does not complete all the terms & conditions  AND the instructions above will be disqualified.

So what are you waiting for? Join the contest to be in the running to win our lovely diaper cupcakes for your babies/kids or give it as a unique gift to someone!


  1. good job dear, and good luck! :-)

  2. this contest tak leh masuk lah, anak smua dah tak pakai diapers...

  3. comel sungguh dan kretif gitu. all the best eliss

  4. elismie,
    sedey tak join contest nie coz tak de anak lagi, even anak kucing pun baru je mati huhuhuhuhu sedeyyyyyyy


Terima kasih yer korang tinggalkan komen. Jika ada kelapangan me reply ok !




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