Kali ni kena tag lagi..Mummy Adam ni..geget tinge kang!! :D
1.Someone tells you they love you, you say...
saya dah kawen ok..hubby i jer layak love love aku ni.. :P
2.If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first?
haram jadah...aku x main duit haram
3.Do you miss anyone?
My Nuha lerr..Ya Allah, percepatkanlah masa...
4.Who was driving the last time you were in a car?
aku ler sapa lagi..x kan Nuha :P
5.Do you like your bed?
oh yearrrhhh
6.Will this weekend be a good one?
Yups..pergi Penang dan Kedah..Cuti2 Malaysia :D
7.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
nape nak last2 ni..r/ship seumur hidup arr..
8.How is your hair?
hair?tadak ker soklan lain...ko tau ker aku skang sedang dalam proses pembotakan?
9.Do you like your life as of now?
10.Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
yerr..saya nak Ad SMS saya dan mengatakan dier dah bersalin..hehehehe
11.Do you drink coffee?
Yes dulu..skang dah tak minum..owh, beberapa hari lepas, aku terminum :P
12.Does anyone call you babe or baby?
baby?geli den :D
13.What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
midnite? exercise ..hahahahahaha
14.Do you like surprises?
surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sukaaaa!!!!
15.What are your plans for the future?
tadak masa depan dah...hahahahaha..aku nak pegi buat Haji jerla..Insya Allah..belikan hubby motor dan dapt beli umah...
16.Have you ever set foot in a tanning bed?
x pernah
17.Do you make your bed everyday?
of coz laa..
18.Your best friend tells you she is pregnant what is your reaction?
yer kerr..tahniah..take care...
19.Do you like pasta?
20.Whisper or shout?
21.Swim or run?
22.When did somebody tell you they loved you?
My hubby every day laa..
23.Last person to annoy you?
Orang bahagian A***********
24.Do you wish your hair was shorter or longer than it currently is?
x kesyah nyahh
25.Do you have a secret that less than 3 people know about?
26.Have you ever had a phone conversation with someone who lived in a different state?
27.Do you and your best friend have the same cell company?
ho yearhhh
28.Are you good at persuading?
bang, bleh laa bang..yer ker?bila? good ker?
29.Are there a lot of people in your house?
aku nuha n my hubby
30.Does the same person call you every single day?
my hubby lerr
31.Last call received from who??
my hubby
32.What are you doing tonight?
malam jumaat..exercise laa sket2..hahahaha..larikssssssssssss
33.Do you have a guy friend you tell everything to?
34.Are you friends with more guys or girls?
girlss plzzzzzzz
35. Tag 5 people
Aku tak kira, aku nak tag orang jugak..Aku tak nak bermurah hati..hahahaha
Mel, Tiara Ayzan, Raa, selamat ,AD Mamoru, Zuris,Haslina.. :P
Hajj Korean Halal Food
3 hours ago
quote: malam jumaat..exercise laa sket2..hahahaha..larikssssssssssss
ReplyDeleteamboih amboih amboih!! esok harus aku tanya berapa kalori sudah terbakar mlm td?? ahahah. eh tapi..
quote lagik: 13.What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
midnite? exercise ..hahahahahaha
haish.. hari2 ke?? ooopsssie... ellisme kantoi disitu!!! larik pecut!!!!!!!!!!
active sungguh mu ni ye ;p
ReplyDeleteexercise bagus untuk kesihatan...hihihi
semalam x exercise,tertido :P