Telah ditag oleh sorang cikgu..
1. What is your enthnicity? Sejujurnya aku orang Melayu..hiks..
2. What are your interests outside of fashion? fashion...baju kurung dah ler..
3. Favorite musicians/bands? MUH bleh?
4. Favorite movies? banyak tag aku jawab :D
5. What do you plan to study? sambung master dalam computer sc. jugak laa..
6. How often do you shop? mengikut kadar duit yang ada..selagi ada duit..
7. Do you have a job/work? Ada..
8. How do you afford your clothes?Duit gaji hubby dan gaji sendiri..hikss
9. How do people react to how you dress? kalo lawa2 atau pakai baju baru,baru ada orang tegur...
10. What are your summer plans? aku tadak summer plans :D musim tengkujuh punya plan ko x nak tau?
Tag about cellphone
1. Three names in your inbox cellphone? My hubby,my hubby,my hubby
2. Your main ringtone? Situ nurhalijah - sutramaya
3. What you did at 12 last night? Menetek nuha :p
4. Who was the last person you went out with? Where? Went out with bb sitter's home :D
5. The color of the shirt you’re wearing now? Koko
6. The last thing you did? Makan
7. Three of your everyday favorite items? Handphone,nuha's bag,umbrella..
8. The color of your bedroom? Putih..kalo rumah aku, aku cat kaler hijau pucuk pisang gitewhh...
9. How much money in your wallet now? Ada laa 30k..
10. Your favorite city? Citibank..hahahahaha..ampun ngah!ampun!!
11. What will you do next weekend? Berfoya2..
12. When was the last time you saw your mom? Masa raya cina hari tu..
13. Where is she now? Kat penang umah ngah aku
14. When was the last time you talked to your parents? Malam tadi...
15. Who is the last person that texted you? My hubby
16. Where did you have your dinner last night? Kat rumah ler..
17. The last surprise you got? Masa lahirkan hubby hadiahkan laptop..
18. Last thing you borrowed from your friends? Owh, baru jer pinjam 50k ngan ad pagi tadi..dah bayar dah tadi..sebab takut2 atm tadak duit..hiks..
19. Who is your bf/gf or husband/wife? Mohd hizaami lerrr..
20. What do you feel now? Happy happy happy
21. Wanna share with who? Everybody n busybody..hihihi
22. Who knows your secret? My hubby
23. Do they keep your secret? Tanya laa dier..
24. Are you angry with someone? Marah2 tak baek laa..
25. What do you order at mcd? Chiz burger
26. The last time you felt so sad? Hari tu..
27. Name three person that you like to tag here:mrs haris, nurhayati, hidayah...
Telah ditag oleh Mummy Hannan & Nuha..
Soalan tag:
Please copy the following rules in your post (as usual)
1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones.
2. It doesn’t have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine.
1)Ayat-Ayat Cinta
3)My best friend wedding
4)Ada apa dengan Cinta?
5)Cinta Kolestrol
Nak tag:-
2)Mummy Adam
3)Cikgu Rihanna
Award dari Mummy Adam
Award kali ni aku bagi kat:-
Semua laa dalam list I follow tu...hikss
Ad,Aimi Husna,Anna,Azlin,Baby Nadrah,Bai,Ct linda,Dhia Coco,Elyn,ET,Gina,Haslina,Husna,Jiey Mien,Kak Di,Liana Majid,Long @Bro,Mama Alesha & An nisa Abriza,Mamazana, Maya, Mel,MrsHaris,MummyDania & Alisya,Niza, Nurhayati,Quenninmurni,Raa,Rhyaya,Rihanna,Sarah,Tiara Ayzan,Triplets Plus One,UmmiBatrisya,Wafaa, Zam,Zue,Zuris..
Sekitar Ramadan 2025
2 hours ago
hehehe patutnye setiap tag las soklan dia ne ada soklan 'apakah jwpn paling kerap dijawab'? jawapan elis yg paling byk ialah 'my hubby'.
ReplyDeletekan elis kan.hehehe
Bai,btol btol btol :P
ReplyDeletenasib baik award aje, kalau tag ummi simpan dalam muzium ajelah
ReplyDeletetag dari bos kat opis pun boleh siap lagi :)
fuyoo bnyknye tag..
ReplyDeleteerrrkkkkkk kena tag gak ke..
wah dapat award jua..
(bila nak buat ni &%#@~^*$!*^%$)
dengg la ko elis..aku rembat semua..muahahaha
ReplyDeletethanks for the award and the tag...
baru je siap wat tag ni.... hehehehhe