mood swing..and i misz my honey bie..
i Love You
by Jennifer Rush
I love your eyes.
Everytime I look into them,
I am lost.
I fall deeper and deeper into the spell they cast upon me.
I can't help but look.
I love you smile.
Everytime you smile at me,
I feel the warmth of the sun shinning down on me.
It warms me more than cuddling in front of a brand new fire.
I can't help but smile back.
I love your kisses.
Everytime your lips touch mine,
I feel an endless stream of passion.
It sends me on a journey, a journey in which I do no mind taking.
I can't help but kiss you.
I love your touch.
Everytime your skin touches mine,
I feel the most enlivening feeling I have ever felt.
It is the feeling of a pounding heart and a shivering soul.
I can't help but touch you.
I love everything about you......
p/s: saper ada mp3 lagu diatas sila transfer kat aku...plz..plz..hampeh jer...semer nak sekat..donload lagu pun sekat..huhuhu
Selamat sampai di kampung
1 hour ago
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